Monday 15 August 2011

8. McDonald's

man visits a McDonald's restaurant in Arlington, Virginia.Its brand value is worth $31,049 million. Its parent company is McDonald's.
McDonald's Corporation is one of the largest chains of fast food in the world.
It mostly sells burgers and fries but has recently introduced fancy coffees, breakfast sandwiches, and wraps.

The McDonald's Golden Arches logo was introduced in 1962. It was created by Jim Schindler to resemble new arch shaped signs on the sides of the restaurants. He merged the two golden arches together to form the famous 'M' now recognised throughout the world.
The McDonald's name was added to the logo in 1968.
While the physical arches were dropped out from all the restaurants' building design, the Golden Arches have remained in the McDonald's logo.

Image: man visits a McDonald's restaurant in Arlington, Virginia.
Photographs: Jim Young/Reuters 

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